Google Docs

The previous two class periods you have explored Web Tools:  Image Chef and Voki.  Lets discuss your opinion, thoughts of these two tools.  If you like exploring web tools, enroll in Social Media next year!

TODAY's TOPIC:  Google Docs

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Today you will:

  • Create a gmail account on Google - user name:  Dawn2b (First Name, 2b)
  • Explore Google Docs
  • Identify and discuss why someone would utilize Google Docs 
  • Identify advantages of using Google Docs - Word Processing and Spreadsheet, Presentation
In order to utilize Googles' Docs Tool - you must have a gmail account.  Therefore we will create an email account on Google.  Now, Google only allows so many emails to be created, so we may have to share today--which you will have to create your email another day or at  home.